2-3cups or more? Should you be concerned 😟 The good news is that a safe amount of caffeine per day is up to 400 milligrams. (For the record that’s 6 cups of coffee or 4 espressos). It’s not one size fits all though and sensitivity varies for each person or...
You want to know why I lOVE Zucchini, why is it my fav vegetable??? This squash is not to be underestimated as just a filler or a mock carbohydrate, it is jam packed with goodness. The moisture and the fiber content for digestive health. Not to mention it reduces...
Are you already thinking of your New Years Resolution???well, Staying fit and healthy and losing weight top every years New Years resolutions and it is highly likely that fitness, health and weight loss will be lists again this year. Forty-five percent of People...
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