An Experience with Benefits !

Whilst Green tea has been around for some time now, the new kid on the block is matcha, green tea matcha. Whether you have ordered a matcha latte or not, you have still heard the buzz around it. Here is my take on matcha and why we use it regularly.
What’s the difference? Not a silly question after all. Matcha is a green tea made by taking young tea leaves, grinding them and making a bright green powder. Green tea, where the leaves are infused in water, then removed Is a bit like boiling spinach and then throwing away the best bit.
BY growing in the shade the chlorophyll increases making the leaves bright green and full of nutrients. The leaves are hand picked and ground into a super fine powder, taking hours in the dark to protect nutrients. That’s how you get the finest matcha coming from Japan.

Both regular brewed green tea and matcha contain caffeine, but less than coffee or black tea. Matcha appears to contain more caffeine that regular brewed green tea. However, the cost is mush great and the better the tea the greater the amount of antioxidant.Matcha is known for its myriad health benefits, from boosting energy to preventing inflammation and certain diseases. Matcha has more antioxidants (catechins) than Green Tea. Studies have linked green tea to a variety of health benefits, like helping to prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer, and even encouraging weight loss.
Even though we need a lot more research, interesting finding are linked  to improved blood pressure and lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol, but more research is needed.

Both regular brewed green tea and matcha contain caffeine, but less than coffee or black tea. Matcha appears to contain more caffeine that regular brewed green tea. However, the cost is mush great and the better the tea the greater the amount of antioxidant.

It has full-bodied taste and texture and you can tell the difference between a good quality matcha and an average. A good quality is bright green and smooth. An average matcha will be yellow and grainy to touch. The better the quality of leaves the much better the taste. impacts the taste. A good matcha will not taste bitter at all; there will be a slightly sweet taste.”

Lead in green tea has been a concern, it can be like a sponge, therefore the quality is important. This is why we use a superior Japanese matcha. The powders were not contaminated by lead or other metals, and also did not contain pesticides. The premium brands tested are clean for sure.

You can drink it like a tea, whisked with hot water. Straining it to avoid clumps and adding your choice of milk to get a creamy hot drink. Matcha powder and hot water should be whisked together.
The Healthy empire team love it in our shake, or Greentastic, it into a drink like water or a smoothie and in our health balls…

Drinking green tea and matcha are considered healthy and safe, but people sensitive to caffeine should be aware that both contain decent amounts of the stimulant.


1. Energy Boost
Matcha is roughly the same as a shot of espresso, but without the follow up jitters or energy crash. The L-theanine is behind this, as it offsets the negative effects of caffeine and is gentle energy. Some studies show that it may also help improve attention and memory (1)..

2. It’s Tied to Lowering Anxiety
Even though matcha contains caffeine, some studies have shown that consuming matcha powder or matcha extract can reduce anxiety, thanks to the presence of L-theanine and other phytochemicals.
Matcha may also boast stress-reducing properties and the L-thanine may help produces a calming effect along with increased alertness and concentration. The talk is that tmatcha also activates the dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain — two neurotransmitters that influence anxiety and mood. Something we all could do woth right now….

3. Glowing Skin
People who suffer from acne or other skin problems may see an improvement in their complexion after drinking matcha regularly. Matcha contains chlorophyll, a phytochemical that has been shown to reduce facial wrinkles and skin elasticity in women over age 45 who take a supplement regularly… THE KEY INGREDIENT HERE is an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate, better known as EGCG, which prevents collagen breakdown

4. May Aid Weight Loss
Although we need more with this connection between green tea and weight loss, there is potentlal here, thanks to this EGCG. When EGCG and caffeine are combined (like in matcha tea), the mixture significantly helped people lose weight and manage their weight-loss success(2). We need to hear more about this though…

5. Your Immune System
EGCG doesn’t just help you lose weight and clear your skin — studies show that its antioxidants may help boost the immune system as well. EGCG may help destroy toxic free radicals in the blood that result in inflammation and cell damage.
Although there is no evidence that matcha can cure or prevent diseases, such as  Parkinsn and Alzeimer, green tea has some of the highest antioxidant amounts of any food.

Green Tea Matcha, the superior kind is what we want in our diet at the best and even more so at the worst of Times….. matcha for our mood and health.


  1. A 2017 review published in the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design also found that L-theanine helped improve attention and memory.
  2. a September 2009 meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Obesity found.





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